Guide Book.

A Dino’s World


When I was younger, I was surrounded by dinosaur-obsessed brothers. My older brother, Casey, was the most passionate about dinosaurs. My house was cluttered with his stuffed T-rexes, dinosaur books, the Jurassic Park trilogy, reptile pets, and more! My brother even had me draw dinosaurs for him. While I did not have an interest in the great reptiles, I had a strong love for animals and learned whatever I could about them (by watching Animal Planet all day). Due to this, I never really learned much about dinosaurs. As I realized this lack of knowledge, my curiosity grew and I wished I took the time to learn about these creatures when my brother did. A Dino’s World is the book I wish I had as a child: informational and playful. This interest followed into my high school and college education. I always look for opportunities to combine my interests of biology and art and that is how this book was born.

A Dino’s World is an introduction to a prehistoric time where tiny and massive dinosaurs roamed. This book will explain what dinosaurs are and their defining characteristics. A huge theme that will be repeated are the time periods since they have distinctive features from each other. With each turn of a page, you will see the world evolve and the dominant reptiles grow. Each dinosaur has fun facts relating to their size, diets, habitats, and more. All dinosaurs displayed have name pronunciations to help learn the complicated spellings in an easy and accessible way. This book ends on the mass extinction that occurred on Earth. This led to the disappearance of most dinosaurs (except for birds) across the world. A Dino’s World is only the first step into the never ending exploration.

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Julia's Big Adventure


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